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Put them on a tripod and let them spin. HySpex can easily be mounted on a tripod and rotation stage for scanning of field scenes. The acquisition software will automatically set the scan speed to match the pixel size of the camera, with the lens options you choose.

Both the cameras and the rotation stage can be powered through the acquisition computer's batteries, making the field setups portable and easy to adust for your application.

Multiple tripods and pan/tilt head options are available and can be combined with a range of rotation stages, which will allow acquisition of data from the full spectral range (400-2500nm) simultaneously, with the cameras nadir looking or horizontally positioned.

Usage / Configurations

A customized high-performance DAU is supplied to ensure the fastest possible data rates and easy operation from the day of installment.

The DAU will be configured with all necessary software and hardware installed and correctly configured on the computer. The computer will be equipped with the customized HySpex interface, set-up to accommodate up to two HySpex cameras.

NEO supplies tripods, with pan-tilt head, which supports the HySpex camera(s) and rotation stages. The robust tripods allow positioning the cameras in the desired position and facilitates camera positioning in challenging terrain.

Rotation Stages

To accommodate various usage scenarios, NEO offers a selection of rotation stages. All rotation stages are configured in the HySpex GROUND software, where all camera parameters are set. This ensures that the rotation speed is synchronized with the camera frame rate and field of view.

Standard tripod

The standard tripod is normally coupled with the standard rotation stage, which allows scanning of up to two cameras positioned horizontally.

Standard rotation stage

The rotation stage can accommodate up to two cameras at the same time when positioned horizontally. The standard rotation stage can be powered directly for the battery-powered Field DAUs and is normally coupled with the standard tripod.

High capacity tripod

The high capacity tripod allows scanning of up to two cameras positioned both horizontally and at tilted angles when coupled with the high capacity rotation stage.

High capacity rotation stage

The high capacity rotation stage can accommodate up to two cameras at the same time. With a vertical load capacity of more than 20 kg, the rotation stage is capable of supporting both cameras vertically.

XY tripod

The rigid, high capacity tripod and pan/tilt head safely support the automatic pan/tilt stage with cameras mounted. The high tripod and head ensure that the camera is fixed between repeated scans.

XY rotation stage

For automatic scanning of larger areas with great accuracy, the automatic pan/tilt stage is recommended. By inputting the number of degrees/scan lines to scan in both the X and Y direction, the stage will automatically scan the cameras, ensuring overlap between scan lines.

For field use, the cameras are typically used without a close-up lense, yielding working distances greater than 50m.


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