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Partnership for turnkey industrial solutions

Today we announce a partnership with Prediktera. With the release of HySpex' new line of cameras for industrial use and Prediktera’s release of Breeze Runtime, we now join forces to provide turnkey solutions for industrial applications.

After a series of successful collaborations on mutual customers and projects during the last two years, the companies now take the next step. The partnership is formed as an investment from HySpex for joint ownership in Prediktera and a long-term commitment to strengthen the services and solutions aimed at OEMs and industrial customers.

“Hyperspectral imaging is gaining a lot of momentum for quality control and process monitoring, and this investment allows us to accelerate the development of our integrated real-time solutions with Breeze and Breeze Runtime,” says Oskar Jonsson, CTO at Prediktera.

“We are thrilled to announce this strengthened offering for the growing industrial market. By further integrating with the powerful software from Prediktera we can add more value to our customers and shorten their time-to-market when implementing hyperspectral applications”, Trond Løke, CEO at the HySpex division says.

The announcement coincides with both Prediktera and HySpex exhibiting at the Whispers 2019 conference in Amsterdam to demonstrate the new camera line and software integration.

HySpex is an industry-leading brand for both airborne and ground-based hyperspectral imaging. HySpex sensors are renowned for their stability, flexibility and superior data quality. HySpex is the hyperspectral imaging division of NEO, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS.
Contact: Trond Løke, CEO HySpex Division,

Prediktera produces state-of-the-art software for hyperspectral imaging. Through their software suite, they make it easier to apply hyperspectral imaging in applications ranging from research and routine analysis to realtime process integration.
Contact: Andreas Vidman, CEO Prediktera AB,

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