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Hyperspectral UAV

HySpex Mjolnir is the first hyperspectral imaging system, designed for UAVs that will give true hyperspectral data for all pixels. The HySpex Mjolnir hyperspectral imaging system for UAVs provides a unique combination of small form factor and low mass, combined with high-performance specifications and scientific grade data quality.

HySpex Mjolnir V-1240 covers the VNIR spectral range (400 - 1000nm), HySpex Mjolnir S-620 covers the SWIR range (1000-2500nm) and the HySpex Mjolnir VS-620 combines the two previously mentioned cameras in a common housing covering the full range from 400-2500nm with 620 perfectly coregistered pixels.

The UAV bundle offered by NEO integrates a hyperspectral camera with a PicoITX i7 computer and an Applanix APX-15 UAV navigation system, all fitted into a self-contained module.

HySpex Mjolnir has been integrated with several high-performance unmanned aerial vehicles.


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